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National History Day / Research: Website NEW

Resources to assist in the preparation of National History Day

National History Day has launched a new platform to build websites for the NHD competition. It is VERY different from Weebly and will require your patience and much planning.  Planning your website on paper, either in Google slides, Google docs, or even Weebly will be beneficial to your success. Once you have planned all the elements, made sure your word count is within the guidelines, you can then create your website on the NHD WEbCentral platform.

The How To's of Using the NEW PLATFORM

Please review the Web Central Instruction Guide and Video before starting your website. If you have any questions, please ask Mr. Kyriacou in the IMC


Planning your work

Before you begin, it is essential that you understand the rules and requirements in website creation. Access the NHD rule book to review what is needed. The first step after you understand the rules and requirements is to create a plan, either in a Google Doc or on paper. The organization of your website is critical to your success and a little pre-planning will go a long way. Think about what the main tabs will be. Theoretically, they should mirror the major aspects of your outline. 

If you have any questions, see Mr. Kyriacou in the IMC.